From Andrew of the Atlanta Pet Chicken Meetup.....
This is an email I received Tuesday evening from Gulfport City Commissioner Michele King after the City Commission Meeting. Councilwoman King is going against everyone to help change the city ordinances so PET CHICKENS will be allowed.
Hey Andrew, just got back from the council meeting and we did vote 3 to 2 to bring the chicken ordinance back. The key to it passing on next reading will be to make sure Mary Stull votes in favor. I got her to agree to bring it back but I'm not sure when it happens if she will vote in favor or not. So.....anyone interested should call and/or write Mary Stull and get her convinced. Good luck! Michele
Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing
"Bringing it back" merely means they are going to VOTE on it again so we are only HALFWAY there. I recommend that EVERYONE thank Michele King for her support and write EVERY council member and the mayor and let them know how we feel. Michele King feels that MARY STULL is going to cast the deciding vote so we need to convince her.
Here is a condenced version of what I sent to all of the city council and I believe gets right to the point.
You get hormone-free/antibiotic-free eggs that tastes better and are healthier than store bought eggs for less tan $1 per dozen.
Provide a use for food scraps which generates fertilizer (manure) for the garden and cuts down on landfill usage.
Free organic garden fertilizer allows residents to grow healthier food.
They provide organic pest control of insects for your yard.
They are entertaining companions.
If you aren't aware the backyard chicken movement is growing nationwide because people want to get back to their roots and live a more simple lifestyle. Having pet chickens is just one way they can do this. No one is saying people should be allowed to have 50 chickens in their backyard (just like I can't have 10 dogs or cats) but allowing a few backyard laying hens seems like a sensible thing to do. Hernando county and Ybor City have looked at and dealt with this same issue successfully as have many other cities nationwide. They have faced this issue and resolved it by allowing chickens as long as they are pets and forbid the raising, selling and slaughter of them.
CNN, ABC, NBS, and the large newspapers have already had articles regarding the "Pet Chicken Phenomenon" and your city's dilemia has nationwide interest.
I kindly ask that you consider these points when you are making your decision regarding the keeping of pet chickens at your next meeting. This isn't only about one families' chickens, but is more a statement that the City Of Gulfport, Florida values personal freedom
If everyone would spend a few minutes to send an email , fax or call, we can insure that Jennifer Conroy and her family get to keep their pet chickens.
Here is a list of the phone numbers and email addresses for the Gulfport, Florida City Council.
Mayor, Mike Yakes (Currently voted yes, to bring it back for a vote.)
E-mail Address:
727-893-1005 (Fax)
Council Member, Michele King Voted yes. 100% for Chickens!
E-mail Address:
727-893-1005 (Fax)
Council Member, Mary Stull Voted yes but must be convinced.
E-mail Address:
727-893-1005 (Fax)
Council Member, Judy Ryerson Voted NO.
E-mail Address:
727-893-1005 (Fax)
Council Member, Bob Worthington Voted NO
E-mail Address:
727-893-1005 (Fax)